ReSCI Organizational Assessment

Partner with stakeholders to conduct a deep-dive into different aspects of your organizational behavior, climate, and culture.


  • Organizational Identification. The extent to which employees define themselves by the same characteristics that define the organization; often to form a basis for which attitudes and behaviors are engendered.

  • Job Satisfaction. A positive feeling about a job resulting from an evaluation of its characteristics. A person with high job satisfaction holds positive feelings about the work, while a person with low satisfaction holds negative feelings.

  • Job Involvement. The degree to which people psychologically identify with their jobs and consider their perceived performance levels important to their self-worth.

  • Organizational Commitment. The degree to which one identifies with their organization and its goals and wishes to remain a member.

  • Perceived Organizational Support. The degree to which employees believe the organization values their contributions and cares about their well-being.

  • Employee Engagement. The degree of enthusiasm an employee feels for the job. Employee engagement, in many ways, represents a combination of attitudes (e.g., satisfaction and commitment) but exceeds these, representing something like “devotion” or giving your “heart and soul” to your work.


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